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My dearest home cooks & foragers :), I’m so glad you’re here in my little home on the web! I hope we get to spend a lot of time cooking together.

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    Me, Myself & I


    I’m Ozana, an IT geek Monday to Friday but really just a kitchen nerd at heart. 

    See, when something catches my attention, I dive right in and get totally obsessed. It’s a quirk that constantly amazes and slightly stresses out my poor hubby! 😀

    I manage to discover something new and interesting about food or nature nearly every day. My curious mind can’t help but explore everything about it!


    First and foremost, I have an allergy to glutamates, which means I have to meticulously check food labels when shopping. Lucky me, right?

    But that’s not all. While I tend to be mostly vegetarian and keto, my kids and husband tend to be more towards meat and doughy delights – talk about a culinary tug-of-war! Our kids also have wheat allergies, so I use spelt flour exclusively in my cooking. They’re also allergic to hazelnuts :D, but they absolutely adore my homemade “nutella”, which we affectionately call “nutela” even though it’s nut-free.

    Because of our dietary requirements, mostly mine :D, I’ve been pushed into the realm of ‘healthy’* cooking, whether I wanted to be or not. Restaurants have become a rare treat for us, only visited when there’s simply no other option.

    A glimpse into our family life:

    As a proud mama of two energetic boys, I know how important staying healthy is. *For me, that means focusing on whole, natural foods as much as possible and avoiding too much processed stuff. Luckily, I live near an enchanted forest that gives me loads of mushrooms, berries, wildflowers and other natural goodies during harvest season. But it’s not just the food I love – the forest is my place of peace. I go there to unwind, enjoying the quiet and seeing how beautifully everything lives together. 

    As a self-proclaimed head cook of my family, I make sure to please everyone’s tastes. Sometimes my hubby and boys join me in the kitchen, leading to a fun mess of weird snacks and new recipes. Finding out each family member’s favorite flavors is the best!


    Eating healthy is complicated, am I right? My way of thinking mixes Keto, Mediterranean and Vegetarian food. I know, it sounds like they’re fighting for attention! But for us, it’s a totally perfect blending of flavors and needs! 

    Prepare to find all kinds of recipes – from amazing low-carb keto dishes to heart-healthy Mediterranean meals to plant-based vegetarian delights. I’ll be posting recipes, cooking tricks I’ve learnt, tales of foraging for wild edibles and stories of my kitchen experiments, all seasoned with lots of love for my family and what I do.

    My dearest home cooks & foragers :), I’m so glad you’re here in my little home on the web! I hope we get to spend a lot of time cooking together.

    Disclaimer: I am not a qualified nutritionist or dietician. The recipes, meal plans, and nutritional advice on this website are based on my personal experience as an avid home cook and baker. The information I provide is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet or exercise program. While I strive to provide accurate nutritional information, I cannot guarantee its accuracy or applicability to every individual and their unique health circumstances. You should always do your own research on specific foods, ingredients, and recipes to ensure that all safety, health and legal requirements are met according to your personal needs and local regulations. Read disclaimer in detail