Vegetarian Diet – Let’s Celebrate the Natural Goodness of Vegetarian Diet

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This page is all about honouring flavors, where each bite is a little gift of goodness for the earth and nourishment for your body and spirit. 

Following vegetarian diet means focusing on eating plant-based foods and skipping the meat, poultry and seafood. It’s a way of life that fits all kinds of personal choices and beliefs.  

Vegetarian diet

Keto diet basket full with vegetables
Keto diet basket full with vegetables

The heart of a vegetarian diet is loading up on fruits and veggies, beans, grains, nuts and seeds. These super-nutritious foods give you loads of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants for total health and happiness.

Plants are seriously superfoods. They’re bursting with nutrients that energize your body and fuel your mind. A vegetarian diet focused on plant foods offers some pretty awesome health benefits. 

Vegetarian Diet Superfoods

Here you can learn more about SUPERFOOD Vegetarian Diet can offer.

Passing on meat can also lower health risks. It may slash your chances of heart disease by 30-40% since it cuts saturated fat and cholesterol. It could decrease the odds of some cancers, like colon or prostate cancer. And it may dip your risk of type 2 diabetes by up to half due to less saturated fat and easier weight management.  

All Vegetarian Diet Recipes

To discover more about the power of plants for living well, check out the facts and veggie-filled recipes in this blog. Together, let’s celebrate the super nature of vegetarian diet! 

By building your meals around nutritious whole foods such as grains, beans, fruits and veggies, a vegetarian diet helps you live a vibrant, healthy life while easing your impact on our planet. Super foods for sure – for both body and spirit.  

As you explore my veggie recipe treasure trove, you’ll discover loads of fresh ingredients and spices. These recipes show how vegetarian chow can be totally satisfying and crazy delicious.